Gum Disease
in Mustang
Gum disease is extremely common. The most important thing when dealing with periodontitis is to stop to the condition early so that it does not spread to the jawbone and cause even more serious issues.
When a person is suffering from periodontitis, we can determine how far the condition has spread by measuring the depths of the periodontal pockets. These are spaces that form when the irritated gums begin to retract and pull away from the teeth. The periodontal pockets provide an ideal environment for additional bacteria to manifest. If these areas become infected, the condition can spread throughout the mouth more easily. The key is to stop the condition before this happens.
Buffalo Creek Dental offers a wide selection of gum disease services that can be used in treating all stages of periodontitis. Receiving treatment early can help prevent the need for more intensive treatments later on. We offer the following treatments:
Scaling and Root Planing: Scaling and root planing is considered to be the most time-tested and proven method for treating periodontitis in its early to moderate stages. Our experts use dental equipment to clean out the areas below the gum line and remove any unwanted bacteria and plaque. Root planing is then conducted to smooth out the root surfaces and prevent future buildups from occurring. Overall, this treatment offers a very high success rate in putting a stop to periodontitis before it causes any major issues.
Dental Crown Lengthening: When periodontitis occurs, the gums will typically become inflamed and swollen. This may result in a noticeably “gummy” smile. Dental crown lengthening involves removing and reshaping the gum tissue in order to improve the look of the gums.
Gingivectomy: A gingivectomy is performed when a patient’s gum disease has progressed to a point where it cannot be effectively treated with normal scaling and root planing. This oral surgery involves cutting into the diseased gum tissue so that the periodontal pockets can be entirely accessed. We will completely clean out these areas and remove any unwanted matter.
Root Surface Debridement: Root surface debridement is a non-surgical treatment that involves providing a deep cleaning of the root surfaces. By conducting this procedure, the gum disease should stop spreading, and the patient will begin to recover from periodontitis.
Laser Treatment: Periodontal laser treatments make use of a dental laser. This laser can eliminate bacterial buildups and smooth out rough surfaces to make future accumulations less likely to occur. Laser treatment may also be used to remove swollen gum tissue and improve the appearance of the patient’s smile. Many patients prefer laser treatments over traditional periodontal treatments because they feature less pain and faster recovery periods.
Pocket Reduction: One of the most important parts of treating periodontitis is eliminating the periodontal pockets that develop. A pocket reduction procedure can be used to accomplish this goal. We will apply an antimicrobial liquid directly to the pockets in order to eliminate the bacteria that has infected these areas. With the bacteria eliminated, the pockets should begin to reduce in size, and healing will occur.
Osseous Surgery: An osseous surgery is performed in severe cases of periodontitis. This procedure involves cutting into the patient’s gum tissue, flapping it upward and cleaning out the area in its entirety. Once the unwanted bacteria, tartar and plaque have been removed, the patient’s periodontal pockets will begin to shrink, and their gums will begin to heal.
Sinus Lift: We perform a sinus lift when a patient has lost one or more upper teeth and their upper jawbone has experienced noticeable deterioration. Our experts will access the patient’s sinus membrane and push it upward. We will then apply bone grafts to the area in order to encourage healing. Completing this process will allow us to install implants in the upper jawbone so that one or more replacement teeth can be provided.
Ridge Augmentation: After losing a tooth, a patient will often suffer from a damaged alveolar ridge bone. A ridge augmentation procedure may be performed to recover this structure. We will apply bone grafts and specialized proteins to this area in order to initiate the recovery process. Once the bone has recovered, we will be able to install a dental implant.
Ridge Preservation: When a patient loses a tooth or has one removed, we normally work to replace it right away, but when this isn’t possible, we will provide a ridge preservation procedure to help prevent the jawbone from deteriorating. This process involves applying bone grafts directly at the site of the lost tooth in order to keep the jawbone strong.
Regenerative Procedures: The purpose of regenerative procedures is to restore damage to the jawbone and the connective tissues that support teeth. Regenerative procedures are accomplished by accessing these areas and applying bone grafts that will stimulate new bone growth.
Bone Grafting: Bone grafting techniques allow us to regenerate bone tissue that has decayed and deteriorated. We perform these techniques by accessing the damaged structure and applying artificial bone materials and proteins directly to the area.
Restore the health of your gums with top-quality periodontal services from Buffalo Creek Dental. Our dedicated experts are here to help you regain your oral health every step of the way. Please call us at 405-353-1333 to schedule an appointment.
Buffalo Creek Dental Serving Mustang, Yukon, Oklahoma City, Tuttle and surrounding areas. Always accepting new patients.